The Christmas Present Game


What you need

  • 2 decks of playing cards

  • A sack full of CHEAP fun presents (I’m talking Poundland or charity shop cheap)

  • Wrapping paper

The dealer (probably you), buys the presents (around 3 per player) and places in the sack. Keep it out of the way of inquisitive children until it’s time to play.The dealer can’t play.

  • Shuffle both decks thoroughly keeping the decks separate, and deal all the cards from one deck evenly amongst the players. Keep the other deck for yourself.

  • Start turning over the cards in the dealer’s deck, one by one.Whichever of the players has the matching card gets to choose a present from the sack. THEY MUST NOT OPEN IT.

  • This is where the fun starts.Once all the presents are gone from the sack, any player who has a matching card can steal from another player’s present stash. AGAIN, THEY MUST NOT OPEN IT.

  • Once the dealers pack is finished, any presents the players have are theirs to keep and open.Some will have none, others will have lots.

Watch the competition unfold and see how one particular present seems to be the one everyone wants on the assumption that it must be something ‘really good’, how protective everyone becomes about their stash and how no-one wants to give up a present.  It’s hilarious and will round off what I hope will be a fabulous day for you.

Merry Christmas from the VMR team and thank you for another good year.  We couldn’t do it without you.   See you in 2020.